mercredi 3 octobre 2012

Hello to all! 

Hope you are all doing fine with the new Fall season. The end of Summer is always a bit sad for me, but Autumn is also a good time to start new projects, make delicious confort food and be more and more creative. 
Finally, after a super long delay, it's now time to reveal the winner of the giveaway for the "Portrait with archispirostreptus gigas" print.

Some of you entered the giveaway via facebook, some others by email, and here also on the blog. I finally collected all the names and picked one little folded paper with Anne Lindsay's name on it!

Congrats to her, and many thanks to the other participants for all your kind words about the new blog "The Mysteries of Madam Lechêne".

Hope to post a new chapter soon, my lover Mister the author still has to reveal the final version to me, and I already have some new pretty illustrations for it, can't wait!

mardi 4 septembre 2012

Giveaway update

Petite mise à jour pour le giveaway!

Comme je suis un peu occupée pour l'instant avec le blog des Mystères de Madame Lechêne et que d'autres personnes doivent pouvoir tenter leur chance pour participer, je ferai durer le giveaway encore un peu. 
Vous pouvez donc laisser un commentaire et tenter de gagner Le portrait à l' archispirostreptus gigas

Bon mardi!

♥ ♥ ♥

Little update for the giveaway!

As I'm a bit busy for now and because there must be some more people getting able to enter the giveaway, I'll make it last a little longer. So feel free to leave a comment and maybe whin the

Happy Tuesday all !

vendredi 17 août 2012

Giveaway and new blog project

Already 216 facebook fans! Yay! 

As I promised, it's now time for a giveaway to celebrate this occasion. I also want to share with you my new project made with boyfriend, and of which I'm very proud! 

"The mysteries of Madam Lechêne" is a mysterious story telled by a little girl named Elisabeth. Her adventures are only in French for now, but will be soon translated in English.

The winner of this giveaway will win the print "Portrait à l'archispirostreptus gigas" found in Mme Lechêne's romm by Elisabeth.

To enter the giveaway, simply go take a peek at the blog "The mysteries of Madam Lechêne" and tell me which illustration is your favorite on a comment on this post. (To see all the illustrations, you may go on the french version of the blog --->HERE<---. )

 Portrait à l'archispirostreptus gigas

Déjà 216 fans sur facebook! Yay!

Comme je l'avais promis, c'est donc maintenant le temps de faire un tirage pour fêter ça. Par la même occasion, j'aimerais partager avec vous mon nouveau projet réalisé avec mon amoureux et dont je suis très fière!

Les mystères de Mme Lechêne est une mystérieuse histoire racontée par la petite Elisabeth. Ses aventudes sont pour le moment seulement en francçis, mais seront bientôt traduites en anglais pour les lecteurs anglophones.

Le gagnant du tirage recevra un joli imprimé, le Portrait à l'archispirostreptus gigas, trouvé par Elisabteh dans la chambre de Mme Lechêne...

Pour participer, aller jeter un coup d'oeil au blog Les mystères de Mme Lechêne et laissez ici un commentaire sur votre illustration préférée.

jeudi 28 juin 2012

Petronille is going on a trip

Yesterday, the sweet little Petronille packed her bags and left Brussels for the US! She was so exited to discover this great country and can't wait to see her new home. 

She promised to write many letters to her twin Philibert, who can't wait to live a great adventure too. Who knows where will he go?

samedi 23 juin 2012

The Hourglass Files blog feature

Hello there!

A couple of days ago, a very sweet young woman named Jacqueline contacted me to be featured in her blog, The Hourglass Files. She actually lives in North Dakota in the US, and is a fashion historian.

You may go take a peek at the post, wich talks about my atworks and a little about me :-) I'm very pleased to be featured in this beautiful blog that especially focuses on lifestyle, fashion, design and history of costume, wich are all things I just love!

You can go visit and enjoy here:

Happy week end all!

samedi 16 juin 2012

Little Teddies!

You know, when you are in one of these days wondering where inspiration has gone? Well thanks to my boyfriend when he just vaguely said : why don't you draw cute little bears in costumes?

Oh well..why not? Here they are, newly listed in the Shop :-)

The Lumberjack, the Litrary, the Dandy, the Geek, and the Rock star

Also having a super spring sale right now, go take a peek!

♥ ♥ ♥ 


dimanche 26 février 2012

Art Doll Quaterly Feature!

Yay! I finally recieved my Art Doll Quaterly magazine in wich my little Peg dolls are featured! I'm very trhilled to be in this magazine, and my mum is also featured! So nice to be together there despite all these kilometers between us :-)

I'm also super proud to show you a project that I've realised for a two lovely persons who will get married in April! They asked me this autumn to make their wedding invitations and I was so pleased to make these for them! A graphist kindly helped too for the more technical stuff and here is the final result! So cool! Will also make some more little drawing for the decoration on the tables and I'm sure it will be super nice. Can't wait for the big day, it's gonna be an awesome party!

♥ ♥ ♥